I went to my first "agile tour" conference. Why: I want to hear Jean-Marc De Jonghe (transform management to succeed an agile transformation) and David Hussman (Lessons in gravity: what keeps you down?).
Here are my highlights notes (yes its notes):
Jean-Marc De Donghe:
Here are my highlights notes (yes its notes):
Jean-Marc De Donghe:
- Wall was coming
- slow decline of subscribers (~45 mins)
- increase web (5-15 mins) -> less revenues
- A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be. - Wayne Gretzky-
- smarthphone web traffic: 86% apps, 14% browser
- experience TV->laptop->tablette->cell (intimité/privacy)
- Agile vs old school
- context vs control
- confidence vs fear
- context and vision
- recruiting=attitude, aptitude, diversité
- agilité bidirectionnel (good luck)
- build trust = quick win greedy approach
- protect your team
- Speed = disorder (tech debt);
- Environment who promote agile
- No split by job
- refactoring = speed
- Estimate added value to set priorities
David Hussman:
- gravity sucks!
- launch rocket -> Egyptian approach = much easier
- uncertain/overly certain Product(uncertain) /techno (certain)
- y = product learning, x = structure complexity
- Accidental complexity-> incidental complexity
- mass has consequence, process mass, techno mass, mass of certainty, meeting mass
- http://devjam.com/ + nonban (least process+most measurable value)
- better conversation not stories
- diff between what they need and what you think they need
- gource mine craft (visualize code)
- point = size of effort (useless) size of value
- book: anti fragile (the black swan) + founder at work
- investment discovery vs delivery
- valuable vs feasible
Others: (great speakers -> Michel Céré, Richard Martin)
- value not effort
- Self manage team = team -> scrum master -> boss
- no hierarchy + scrum master = authority
- People value more the process then the result
- influence silencieuse de l'autorité (manager keep forgetting)
- scrum master should do their work
- propose: auto organize or hierarchy request (its a choice)
- team should force people to take off is required
- culture = fondement ordre social
- valeurs vécus+artefacts+presuposé (macro culture, sous culture, micro culture)
- Changement culturel & objectif d'affaire
- Culture des opérations (collaboration/communication), culture conception/ingénierie (idea, système élégeant), culture haute direction (finance, image entreprise et de soi)
- Importance of rituals
- voir openagileadoption
- Dynamisme/cohérence globale -> reponse pertinente
- agile: empowering groups+cadre execution aligné+ cible=client
- WIP/JIT/Velocity (work in progress, just in time...)
- TRG = taux de rendement global: toyota = 86% + bureau = 17%
- Leadership mobiliser
- QIX = Qty I.... Max
- Volonté stratégique
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